Web writer Richard Ames Hart was born October 17, 1946 at the St. Anthony Hospital in Dodge City, Kansas. He grew up in Wilmington, North Carolina and St. Louis, Missouri. A student of David Daniels, he writes "websites for the future of humanity." In partnership with his sister, Amoret Phillips, web painter, his websites include "Non-escalating Verbal Self-defense," "Succinct News," "Moon Fooling," and "The Black Pool." He lives in Berkeley, California, and drives taxi 1010 in San Francisco.
Majoring in mathematics at Dartmouth College, he developed a seven-step algorithm for determining the Day of the Week in your head using simple arithmetic, and published "A New Fast Sorting Algorithm" in Creative Computing Magazine, and "Pattern Analysis as a Tool for Inventing Algorithms" in Software—Practice & Experience.
In pioneering therapeutic art, he balances childhood sexual abuse with cultural and political expressionism, at another website, "Talifish Studio," writing extensively about those experiences at "Deadbeat Paying Job," and "Magic Wand Garage."
Among people "pouring their hearts out on the Internet," his research on "What to say to mean people, to phony people, and to stupid people, without getting down into their gutter" found its roots in a rare self-published book entitled, "It's a Trade Secret."